

吃撐了的聖誕夜,讓緊接著的25號聖誕日,也是我們的訂婚紀念日,就窩在家中啃著隔夜烤火雞,很平安寧靜的度過....,看了一些好片加上補眠,感覺上就像是很用力的過完年後,接著就要好好補眠補充體力,然後Boxing Day開始又是另一波瘋狂血拼假期,艾倫米飛今晚即將南下倫敦體會一下熱鬧的人潮,已經半年以上沒到訪倫敦了,這次利用假期到倫敦走走,大算在倫敦跨年慶祝我們的結婚紀念日,並且探訪沒到訪過的倫敦景點,拜訪朋友,看音樂劇....,簡居鄉村的夫婦難得機會進城去^^,要趁機達成的事還真不少!! 等等就來去打包出發啦!!





友人準備的神奇中式料理-蔥辣炒大腸,是一道費時的手工料理,光想到清洗和燉煮大腸的前製工作,我就放棄了,真的好好吃喔!!其他友情贊助的烤全鴨.紅燒肉....,都非常美味!! 來不及拍照紀錄啦!!

這隻蜜汁香料烤火雞,相當費事耗時的美食,花了二日用數十種香料醃製,聖誕夜當日用烤箱烤了3小時而成,烤的過程中要不斷的在火雞身上塗抹奶油蜜汁,烤成金黃脆皮香嫩多汁的火雞,香料味都完全融入火雞肉中,並且帶著柳橙的香氣,美食上桌,再辛苦都值得了^^ ,並另外熬煮香料蔓越莓醬和烤雞淋醬,吃火雞時配沾醬吃,更能襯出美味!!


Spiced and super-juicy roast turkey

by Nigella Lawson
from Nigella's Christmas Kitchen

Preparation time overnight

Cooking time 1 to 2 hours


For the turkey
4-5kg/9-11¼lb turkey
6 litres/10 pints 11fl oz water
125g/4¼oz packet table salt
3 tbsp black peppercorns
1 cinnamon stick
1 tbsp caraway seeds
4 cloves
2 tbsp allspice berries
4 star anise
2 tbsp white mustard seeds
200g/7oz caster sugar
2 onions, quartered
1 x 6cm/3in piece of ginger, cut into 6 slices
1 orange, quartered
4 tbsp maple syrup
4 tbsp clear honey
handful fresh parsley, optional (only if you've got some parsley hanging around)

For the basting glaze
75g/2¾oz butter
3 tablespoons maple syrup


1. For the turkey, place the water into your largest cooking pot or bucket/plastic bin and add all the turkey ingredients, stirring to dissolve the salt, sugar, syrup and honey. (Squeeze the juice of the orange quarters into the brine before you chuck the pieces in.)
2. Untie and remove any string or trussing attached to the turkey, shake it free and add it to the liquid. Add more water if the turkey is not completely submerged. Keep the mixture in a cold place, even outside overnight or for up to a day or two before you cook it, remembering to take it out of its liquid (and wiping it dry with kitchen-towel) a good 40 or 50 minutes before it has to go into the oven. Turkeys - indeed this is the case for all meat - should be at room temperature before being put in the preheated oven. If you're at all concerned - the cold water in the brine will really chill this bird - then just cook the turkey for longer than its actual weight requires.
3. For the basting glaze, place the butter and syrup into a saucepan and cook over a low heat, while stirring, until the ingredients have melted and combined.
4. Brush the turkey with the glaze before roasting, and baste periodically through out the turkey roasting time.
5. Preheat the oven to 220C/425F/Gas 7. Cook the turkey for half an hour at this relatively high temperature, then turn the oven down to 180C/350F/Gas 4 and continue cooking, turning the oven back up to 220C/425F/Gas 7 for the last quarter of an hour or so if you want to give a final, browning boost to the skin. For a 4-5kg turkey, allow two-and-a-half to three hours in total. But remember that ovens vary enormously, so just check by piercing the flesh between leg and body with a small sharp knife: when the juices run clear, the turkey's cooked.
6. Just as it's crucial to let the turkey come to room temperature before it goes in to the oven, so it's important to let it stand out of the oven for a good 20 minutes before you actually carve it.

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    變奏島嶼ㄌㄚ劇棧 Episode II

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